GLObal - Capability
Global Payments
Streamline your payment processes with state-of-the-art technologies. Manage payment methods, approve with workflows and defined permissions, and sync everything in real time with your ERP.
Organize your vendor payments in batches
Collect and manage payment methods easily
Eliminate fraud risk with our payment info assessment
Build flexible payment approval workflows
Offer enterprise-grade permission controls
Sync payments with your ERPs instantly

Organize your vendor payments in batches
With Flowie, you have total control over your cash out : you can build payment batches and plan them in the future as you like.

Collect and manage payment methods easily
Flowie manages multiple worldwide payment methods. Avoid payment issues by collecting your vendor's payment information directly from them through the Vendor Portal.

Eliminate fraud risk with our payment info assessment
Flowie payment method verification technology helps ensure that the account number given is valid.

Build flexible payment approval workflows
Create payment approval transparency with our flexible no code workflows. Prepare payment batches and automatically involve the right approvers based on the entity and amount. Ensure your Finance team has complete control over the cash out.

Offer enterprise-grade permissions controls
Flowie offers granular payment permissions ensure total security. We also track and log all payment events to unlock audit trail visibility.

Sync payments with your ERPs instantly
Through our ERP bidirectional integration, we can sync payment event instantly with your entities' ERPs. Keep all your systems interconnected and up to date.