Cash flows

Gain total visibility on your cash flows

Let Flowie centralize your cash flows to allow you to focus on what matters : taking the right decisions for your business.


Consolidate all your bank accounts

Get visibility over past and future cash flows


Link cash flows with your P2P and O2C processes


Integrate your critical tools in minutes

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All the cash flow capabilities you need

Bank Accounts Consolidation
Cash Flow Monitoring
Cash Flow Forecast

Consolidate all your bank accounts

Connect in minutes all your bank accounts, from one or multiple subsidiaries.

Consolidate all your bank accounts

Connect in minutes all your bank accounts, from one or multiple subsidiaries.

Gain a real-time consolidated vs entity view

Switch in one click from a consolidated group view to a detailed view of each entity. Analyze cash performance easily.

Unlock intelligent cash balancing capability

Cash needs to be managed at a group level : Flowie lets you balance cash between entities in one click.

Cashflows view

Get visibility over past and future cash flows

Flowie helps you avoid Excel when managing your cash flows. Gain access to both past and future cash flow monitoring.
KPIs cashflow view

Get visibility over past and future cash flows

Flowie helps you avoid Excel when managing your cash flows. Gain access to both past and future cash flow monitoring.

Monitor and categorize cash flows

View all your cash flows in real-time. Build your custom categorization, and let our AI Copilot support you.

Compare actual vs budgets

Build custom forecasted budgets for each category. Monitor the variation in real-time to adjust if needed.

Link cash flows with P2P and O2C within Flowie

Flowie handles both P2P and O2C processes. This centralised position allows for a complete visibility over your actual, provisioned and forecasted cash flows.

Link cash flows with P2P and O2C within Flowie

Flowie handles both P2P and O2C processes. This centralised position allows for a complete visibility over your actual, provisioned and forecasted cash flows.

Link outgoing cash flows to P2P

Your outgoing cash flows is a consequence of your spendings towards your vendors. Improve your cash visibility by managing P2P with Flowie.

Link incoming cash flows to O2C

By managing O2C with Flowie, you'll gain an invaluable insight over your incoming cash. You can even monitor your provisionned cash flow based on your received and sent POs.

Transaction view

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